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Agent Rollout via Intune

An alternative to Agent Rollout via Active Directory Policy.

Part 1

Agent Rollout via Intune is an alternative to Agent Rollout via Active Directory Policy.

The first step, is to create a new folder, in this case it’s named Demo. Then create Two folders Input and Output. Download the Intune app and also put it in your folder (Demo).

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In the Input folder you need the .exe file of the XEOX agent, as well as two .cmd scripts, install and uninstall.

You need the uninstall script, otherwise this won’t work!
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if exists "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\xeox\version.txt" goto nothing
if exists "%ProgramFiles%\xeox\version.txt" goto nothing
echo Installing XEOX Agent
%~dp0XEOX_Agent_for_hs2n-2_0_0_47.exe /S /U
echo Install Finished

echo XEOX is already installed, doing nothing


wmic product where name="*XEOX*" call uninstall

Afterwards you open the powershell as an admin, call up the folder you created, Demo in this case, and type the following command:


Source: Path of Input folder (in this case: C:\Temp\Demo\Input)

Setup: Agent.exe (in this case: C:\Temp\Demo\Input\XEOX_Agent_for_hs2n-2_0_0_47.exe)

Output: Path of Output folder (in this case: C:\Temp\Demo\Output)


Afterwards you will have the .intunewin file in your Output folder. You will need this for later.

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Part 2

Sign into You will have to select a user that has access.

Select Apps (left menu) - Windows - Add

On the right side a menu will open:

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Create a new plattform.

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This rule checks, wether an agent with the version, or higher, is already installed.

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Nothing required.

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Nothing required.

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The Assignments allows you to specify a group or install/uninstall the software on all devices. Required forces the device to install the software, without the user having any input on it.

It’s recommended to test assignments with a small group beforehand.
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Lastly press create. This will now be checked by Microsoft and then installed.

Attention: It may take up to a whole day until the agent is installed on all devices. This is not changable.
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