Software libraries offer great flexibility in programming and allow users to create any type of software they desire. The Toolbox provides several functions that can be used to construct a program.
There are two options available in the Software Library:
- My Software: This contains all software libraries created for the organization, which are not shared with others.
- Software Libraries: This category includes software libraries that can be inherited, meaning they can be accessed by other organizations. This is especially relevant for service providers, and the inheritance process follows a hierarchical structure.

Software Templates
Software Templates are similar to jobs. For example, you can program what you want to download and install, just like a script. You can schedule it and select which device it should run on.

If you need to install a software package on multiple devices, XEOX allows you to script the software for an unattended installation and rollout.
Install Firefox
- Download from directly URL:

- Since you always need the same filename for the setup, enter firefox.exe as Filename after the download. Else you would get a file with version number etc.

- Execute Setup in silent mode
- Select Local (work) Directory. This directory contains the currently downloaded firefox.exe file.
- firefox.exe is the executable. It's the name you have entered in download dialog above.
- /S for silent installation (no user interaction required)

- To see the software inventory results immediately in the XEOX software report, you need to upload the inventory to XEOX and force the upload. Otherwise, you may have to wait for the next daily hardware search job, which usually takes 1-3 days.
Uninstall Firefox

Since the XEOX Agent is 32 Bit and you have installed a 64 Bit Firefox, the directory for Firefox would be %ProgramW6432%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\

Download Acrobat Reader from Adobe
Creating an Uninstall Job for Acrobat Reader
Execute: msiexec /X {AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AC0F074E4100} /qn /norestart
Download 7-Zip from Web Storage:
Create an Uinstall Job for 7zip
Execute C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\Uninstall.exe /S
With aria2c you have the following possibilities for downloading:
- Download an exe or msi file directly
- Download a Metalink file (Documentation on Wikipedia)
- Multiple files can be added to the Metalink
- Checksums
- Multiple download sources with priorities
Example for a Metalink - single exe file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<metalink xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:metalink">
<file name="7Zip.exe"> <!-- store the file with this filename -->
<description>7Zip download</description>
<url location="en" priority="1"></url>
Aria2c Parameters:
- Http Basic Authentication: --http-passwd=USERNAME --http-passwd=PASSWORD
- Http Proxy without authentication: --http-proxy="http://proxy:8080"
- Http Proxy with authentication: --http-proxy="http:/(proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy:8080"