If an organization has geographically dispersed networks, you may need to perform certain job actions based on the network. For instance, you can use your subnet configurations as dynamic parameters for tasks such as Software Rollout.
In this case you can use your subnet configurations as dynamic parameters.
Following actions are supported:
- download
- url
- execute
- Executable
- Arguments
- upload
- Path
- File
Download File from local NAS:

What happens here?
Depending on the subnet of your hardware, XEOX will replace the variables $nasip and $naspublicpath with configuration values from your subnet configuration.
Following rules are applied:
- If no configuration was found, XEOX will replace the variable with an empty string ""
- IP addresses from WIRED network cards are preferred
- XEOX uses the best matching subnet, containing the variable
- e.g. for IP
- XEOX prefers configurations in versus