Getting Started
Using jobs, you have the ability to manage the agent installed on your computer. You can specify particular tasks and their timing and frequency, like scheduling updates and device restarts. Moreover, you have the option to name the job or use the "Create" button. Furthermore, a filter can be applied to specify which devices will be affected by the job.

In this example, the device will be updated and rebooted.
In the Task section you can select the hardware you want the job to be run on, as well as hardware that is excluded. You can either enter each hardware by name, or use tags for specific groups like for example #Desktop. For this, the exclude hardware comes in handy. If you use #Desktop, but don’t want the job to run on one specific devices, you can exclude the devices by name. You can also exclude tags, for example select all #Desktop and exclude all that have #Windows8.

Runtime lets you set the time the job should run. If you keep the default setting no runtime, the job will only be created and you have to activate it manually.

You can enter the start time and maximal endtime of the Job in run once.

Run periodically has three settings, based on how often you want the job to run. You are able to make very specific and detailed time plans with the custom setting. It runs based on cron expression quartz.

PROXY Variable
The proxy variable can be established by configuring the subnet. Once you have defined the variable in the subnet configuration, it will be automatically employed during the download process.
This applies to both Wuinstall download and install. If a proxy has already been defined, the variable will be disregarded. In cases where the proxy has been set, it will be used for all wuinstall operations, including download and execute.