Opon clicking on one of the listed hardware entries in the CMDB, you are able to see and edit information about the device.

- General shows you basic information about your device, such as the name or type for example. This is also the information you would have to enter manually, if you have no agent installed. Another Interesting thing is allocating tags.

- With the Device Info section, you can look into the technical features and information of the device.

- Location allows you to allocate a department and Room to your device. With this it’s easier to manage the topography.

- Shows Information of the Network Adapter.

- The Disks section shows Information about the disks on the device.

- Active Jobs is a list of all the jobs that are running on the selected device. It shows cronjobs as well as non cronjobs that are either running or not running. It doesn’t show finished on time jobs.

- The Policies section shows you all the policies that you created that include this device.

- Updates shows you your update history on this particular device. Additionally it shows you things like the min and max download size as well as wether this update was optional or not. Available Updates in the right hand corner also show you if there are any new updates available for this device.

- With the Hardware Changes section you are able to see a history of changes you made on the hardware of the devices. A good example is, like in this picture, the increase (or decrease) of RAM.

- In this section you can see the Network Shares you made on the device.

- Logged On Users shows you what users are logged into the device, wether they are connected remotely and, if they are connected remotely, which device they are connected from.

- Shows a list of Services, that are running (or stopped) on the device.

- Installed Software is a list of software installed on the device. They are not installed through Chocolatey.

- Installed Chocolatey Software is a list of software that was installed on the device via Chocolatey. You can deinstall the software immediately through clicking on the trash bin icon, or you can update it, if an update is available, through the round arrow icon.

- The Software Licensing Section shows you, which software on your device is licensed.

- When manually entering a device you also are able to enter the order information that regards your device. You can also enter this information here in the Order Information.

- This section allows you to allocate Printer Shares directly without providing the IP Address first.

- In case you want to enter additional information that is not already in the CMDB, you can enter custom fields through the Custom Fields section.