With Hardware Classes your hardware can be grouped.
The following classes are defined automatically
- Desktop: Windows PC without WIFI and Battery
- Notebook: Windows PC with Battery and/or WIFI
- Server: Microsoft Server OS is installed
- vDesktop: Windows Client OS installed in a virtual environment
If the hardware class changes only the following tags are set or removed, when classifying or assigning the hardware class:
- Desktop
- Notebook
- Sever
- vDesktop
- Mobile
- Voice
- Printer
- Network
- Other
Each Hardware Class can have a list of Hardware Types
Hardware Class Notebook could have a list of all your Notebook models in your organisation. e.g Dell Latitiude Exxxx
Custom Fields
When you create a new hardware or edit an already existing one, you can also create custom fields to store possibly needed information via the hardware. There is a subcategory called Custom Fields, where you can enter the supplemental information. If you click on Columns in the overall view of the hardware and insert the custom fields as described, they can also be displayed per hardware class.