XEOX is using following scheme to locate hardware and individuals:
- Sites
- Building
- Sub-Buildings (e.g. Floors)
- Rooms
- Racks

You can create a site and the subnet in one step.

New Hardware
For new hardware, following algorithm will automatically select the site:
- Search for a subnet (IP Plan). If found => use the site from the subnet. \ e.g. if the hardware has an IP address from the range 10.1.x.x. it would be assigned to Vienna. If 10.2.x.x it would be assigned to Klagenfurt. For all other, see step 2.
- One site in your company can be the Default Site. New Hardware would be assigned to this site.
Building Plan
Once you have created a site, you can define buildings, floors, rooms and racks. In order to add a building, you have to click on the plus button and add a building. The added building will be a gray tab, in oder to actually assign the site to the building, you have to click on the tag again. Selected tags are blue.


You can create a rack in a room. This can be used for network devices. e.g. assign a switch to a rack:

Permanent Cabling
From Patch panel to Socket
The ideal approach to setting up permanent cabling is to begin with the patch panel. However, it is crucial to develop a complete building plan beforehand, which includes creating all the necessary rooms to be linked to the patch panel before initiating the process.
Instructions for patch panel creation:

Creating the Patch Panels - Ports You can create a range of ports in one step. e.g. A1 til A16

This means that the port has no connection to a socket. So you have to define a connection to a socket.
Select Assign Endpoints from the menu.

Then select the Room where the Socket is located. e.g. Room 102. After pressing create socket, the following will happen:
- a new socket in Room 102 will be created
- a link (wire) between Patch Panel port A1 and Socket A1 in Room 102 will be established.
Now you see the link on the Patch panel

Create a Socket in a Room manually
You can create manually a Socket. e.g. in Room 103

Then you can make the link from Socket to Patch Panel.

Or in the opposite order, Patch Panel to Socket

It makes no difference whether you go from Patch Panel to Socket or from Socket to Patch Panel.
Create a Link between Patch Panels
Connections between distribution rooms are often realized via patch panels. Patch panels are installed on both sides. In order to map this cabling, both patch panels must be created with the corresponding ports first. Afterwards a connection can be created between two ports.